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Ki Ho Reha Hai – Ricky Khan | Neeru Bajwa | Rana Ranbir | Jazzy B | New Punjabi Song 2022 | Snowman

Saga Music in association with Aman Khatkar Productions & Big Daddy films presents the official video of new punjabi song 2022 “Ki Ho Reha Hai” in the voice of Ricky Khan from new Punjabi movie 2022 #snowman staring Neeru Bajwa, Arshi Khatkar, Jazzy B & Rana Ranbir.

Snowman now released worldwide.

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Song Credits:
Album Name: Snowman
Song Name: Ki Ho Ra Hai
Singer/Lyricist: Ricky Khan
Music: Jay K
Label: Saga Music
Digitally Managed By: Unisys Infosolutions.

Movie Credits:
Staring: Neeru Bajwa, Arshi Khatkar, Jazzy B, Rana Ranbir
Directed By: Aman Khatkar
Written By: Rana Ranbir
Produced By: Aman Khatkar & Gippy Grewal
Singers: Gippy Grewal, Jazzy B, Ninja, Ricky Khan, Hashmat Sultana & Mann K
Music: Jay K & Bhinda Aujla
Lyrics: Happy Raikoti, Ricky Khan & Kulshan Sandhu
DOP: Jay Vincent
Editor: Rohit Dhiman
Associate Dir: Navraj Raja
Background Score: Salil Amrute
Re-Recording Mixer: Hengul Medhi
Music on: Saga Music
DI: Afterplay Studios (Maddy)
Di Colorist: Prakash Joseph
Visual Promotions: Hashtag#studios
Publicity Design: Impressive Design Studios (Balvir Rehal)
Worldwide Distribution By: Aman Khatkar Production