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Simon Nandhra

Simon Nandhra

He worked with many top U.K Bhangra Bands before he decided to take his passion for music to the next level. 2002 saw the release of Simon Nandhra’s debut album ‘Out Of the Box’. The album had a very raw feel to it combined with the exuberance of youth.


 It also boasted big name vocalists such as the legendary Kuldip Manak and the highly acclaimed Master Rakesh. The album impressed many, however it was his next album ‘Underestimated’ that firmly placed Simon’s name between the heavyweights of U.K Bhangra producers.


‘Underestimated’ saw Simon fulfil the potential that ‘Out Of the Box’ promised. ‘Kanoo Mardan’ gracefully sailed to the hearts of the young & old, while ‘Dil Mangdi’ became a massive hit both in the U.K and India, giving Simon a new International fan base.

With the success of ‘Underestimated’, Simon’s reputation as one of the best young U.K Bhangra producers was enhanced further, giving him a global appeal. He describes his sound “as a fusion of east and west, combining the best from both worlds”. It is this sound that has brought Simon a legion of fans as well as bringing him to the forefront of modern day Bhangra. However, Simon is now on the verge of showing his versatility as a producer; as an artist by giving you all the unexpected.  


With Production showing maturity beyond his years, now Simon Nandhra gives you ’Silent Tears’.

 Words by Kam Gill