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Asian Network Closure is

Saif Ali Khan’s sister gives her blessing to relationship with Kareena Kapoor on BBC Asian Network.

Soha said of her brother,
“He's always very open about his life and I feel very uncomfortable talking about his someone else. But because he's a person who wears his heart on his sleeve and we all know who he's seeing these days …[Kareena Kapoor] I just want to say I've never seen him so happy and he is genuinely very happy, his career ‘Masha Allah’ [ode to Allah] is going well right now and it all seems to be coming together for him”.
On whether Soha gets on well with her prospective sister in law, Soha said;

I've met her on a couple of occasions, I still know her better as an actor and I saw Jab We Met recently and I thought it was a phenomenal performance for her and whatever I've seen she's been lovely but it's only been a couple of dinners”.

But Soha advised caution on buying a new saree just yet as Kareena hasn’t met the parents so far…
“No, not yet and I don't think she's met my parents as yet as far I know. She's met me and my sister we've all gone out for a couple of dinners it's been very nice”.

Love Bollywood.