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Bollywood’s Most Classic Songs Lip Synched

Lip Synching is the new in thing, forget selfies (OK maybe not), but lip synching has taken over.


With people from Italy, Spain & India has also caught onto it and are releasing their own versions. 1 such collective is India based Enthu Cutlets who have released their Bollywood version of “Mime Through Time” inspired by SketchSHE.

 ‘Mime Through Time’

SketchSHE version quickly went viral & took over the internet & has amassed nearly 22 million views while their original video of ‘Bohemian Carsody’ based on Rock band Queens ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’‘ is close to 21.5million views on YouTube while Facebook is over close to 28 million views at the time of Publishing this post.


‘Mime Through Time’


Enthu Cutlets released their Bollywood version of “Mime Through Time” inspired by SketchSHE.


‘Bohemian Carsody’

While we’re not sure if the 3 Australian models (Shae-Lee Shackleford, Lana Kington, Madison Lloyd) that make up SketchShe were inspired by the Lip Synch battles that featured on Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” on American TV channel NBC, it’s clear to see that Lip Synching is the next big thing after selfies & the ice bucket challenge.

Lip Sync Battle with Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon


What is deffinalty inspired by Lip Sync Battle with Jimmy Fallon is the new Lip Synch Batle TV Show on Spike TV hosted by Rapper, Singer & actor LL COOL J.