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If you are someone who appreciates filmmakers for attempting experimental genres, particularly those which no one imagined a few years back, then director Lakshya Raj Anand’s Attack is a recommended film for you. Anand has attempted to logically and scientifically reason the actions of a Super Soldier, which is played by John Abraham and he does well.  

Attack largely revolves around John’s Arjun, who gets a second chance in life when he becomes the first prototype of an experiment, that has been carried out to combat terrorism and other severe threats to the nation. He is motivated to do this by the death of his girlfriend (played by Jaqueline Fernandez) and wanting to lead a normal life again triggered by a terrifying accident. 

The film flows seamlessly and it is well planned, even though the pace truly picks up in the second half, while the first half could have been trimmed a bit more to make the narrative even sharper. The film is never boring or preachy and the dialogues are relatable, which adds the right amount of humour where necessary.

If you like your action movies, then this is definitely one to watch and looking forward to Part 2!