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The Sky is Pink poster is out and it looks fun filled and refreshing


The wait for fans is over as the makers of The Sky is Pink will be revealing the much awaited trailer tomorrow, 10th September 2019.

The Sky is Pink is produced by RSVP and Roy Kapur Films, in association with S K Global and Purple Pebble Pictures.


Acclaimed Indian filmmaker Shonali Bose’s much-anticipated drama, The Sky Is Pink, will also be receiving its European Premiere at the 63rd BFI London Film Festival as part of the LOVE strand. The director, lead actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas and producer Siddharth Roy Kapur will be attending the festival screening on Sunday 6th October, BFI Southbank, NFT1. A second screening will take place on Monday 7th October, Vue West End, Screen 6.


Starring Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Farhan AkhtarZaira Wasim, and Rohit Saraf. The film is slated to release in cinemas on 11th October 2019.


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