Nankana Sahib The birth place of Sikhism
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Jis birthday is the most important celebration in the Sikh calendar. It is in the month of November when the religions celebration starts. Nankana Sahib being most sacred Sikh place because its is the birthplace of Guru Nanak Ji.
Out of the cotton of compassion, spin the thread of contentment
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of the Sikh faith; he was born on the 20th October 1469 in Rai-Bhoi-di Talwandi in the present Shekhupura District of Pakistan, now known as Nankana Sahib. Guru Nanak stressed: There is but one human race.
Although Guru Nanak was born in the month of October his birthday falls on Kartik Puranmashi (full moon) of the month of Kartik. It is based on the traditional dates of the Indian calendar; the date varies year to year. The birthday usually comes in this month of November.
Guru Nanak Dev Jis birthday celebration usually lasts for about 3 days in Nankana Sahib. Generally two days before the birthday, Akhand path (a forty eight hour non stop reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scriptures of the Sikhs) is held in the Gurdwaras.
Next; Kirtan, the singing of hymns, begins before the dawn and continues for 24 hours throughout the full moon lit night as fireworks explode. Finally, Shri Guru Granth Sahib is paraded down the streets on a float throughout the town for several hours in a Nagar Kirtan where the demonstration of Gatka is also performed. Gatka is the name of the Sikh martial arts using swords and many other weapons this was introduced by the 9th Guru, Guru Har Gobind Singh Ji. This is concluded by returning to the Gurdwara.
All the while, Langar, the Gurus divine sacred meal service, is available for any person.
The celebration in Punjab and Haryana are especially colourful.
Accept all people as your equals and let them be your only sect;conquering ourselves, we conquer the Worlds
Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded and formalised three aspects of Sikhism:
Naam Japna: Chanting the holy name and thus rembering God at all times (ceaseless devotion to God)
Kirat Karo: Earning/making a living honestly, without exploitation or fraud.
Vand Chokko: Sharing with others, helping those with less who are in need.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji said
We remember God in times of difficulty but boast of our cleverness when things go well
There is but one human race