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RCA Chairman Suresh Kumar, Barbara Hills from Hospital Chapel of Ilford, Olive Worsford, Mayor Cllr Joyce Ryan, Jan Scott from Victim Support and RCA General Secretary Megha Kumar.

Cheques presented to charities for monies raised at Redbridge Community Awards

A cheque for the sum of £3,000 was presented by Suresh Kumar to Cllr Joyce Ryan, Mayor of Redbridge supporting her two charities – Victim Support and Hospital Chapel of Ilford; and another cheque for the sum of £3,000 was presented to Ruth Payant, Executive,UNICEF.


Suresh Kumar was delighted about the monies raised for extremely worthwhile and deserving causes. He commented, “I have now been supporting many charities for a long time and it gives me immense pleasure to assist people who are in need. The feeling of giving means a lot to me.”

The RCA awards ceremony is the brainchild of Suresh Kumar, a well respected local politician and businessman who, having recognised the unsung efforts of individuals within the Redbridge community, set up a platform with which to honour them formally. The event has been hosted by the RCA since 2000, with the purpose of bringing together the community of Redbridge and honouring its local citizens, whilst simultaneously raising money for charity.


13 coveted RCA Awards were announced on the night for Rising Star, Restaurateur of the Year, Police Officer of the Year, School Head/Teacher of the Year, Service to the Community, Sports Personality of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Doctor of the Year, Local Councillor of the Year, as well as four prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards.


Ruth Payant of UNICEF and RCA General Secretary Megha Kumar.)