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NHS-rainbow-toy-cars StayAtHome

10 Year old creates NHS rainbow from his toy cars!

Aneela Rose posted on facebook that her 10yr old son stunned her into silence.

He said, “Mummy, you know you asked me to tidy up my cars because we have so much time now… if I have enough, can I create a rainbow to make the doctors & nurses smile?”

So Aneela her son spent two days sorting, laughing, tidying and singing whilst they placed 1035 cars, trucks, jeeps
and buses 🏎🚕🚚🚛🚙🚎 from his amazing collection into a silver lined heart, white NHS lettering & a colossal abstract rainbow.
NHS rainbow toy cars
Aneela Rose is also a Masters GB AWPC Powerlifter 2019 record holder

NHS rainbow toy cars

Every cloud has a silver lining. Love the NHS.
NHS rainbow toy cars

@rainbow_trail @mattel @matchboxworld @nhswebsite
#RainbowTrail #thankyounhs #children #hotwheels #mattel #carcollection #toycars
