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Sukshinder Shinda to release with Dharam Seva Records

Sukshinder Shinda to release with Dharam Seva Records

Dharam Seva Records is officially launching! Who better to have singing their debut single, than the legend himself Sukshinder Shinda! The multitalented Punjabi singer/composer and producer known worldwide as “The Music Man” has joined Dharam Seva to promote the debut single  "Choj Khalseh Deh Roub Na Chaleya Janda Vey Singh Sardaran Da" releasing 4th April 2013.

Sukshinder Shinda has expressed his anticipation for the release, backed with his career track record of releasing Dharmik music, it is obviously very close to his heart. The single will not only be released on all leading digital platforms but have an official video, being aired on Brit Asia, Sikh Channel, PTC and Youtube, to support the single release.

I am very close to the founders of Dharam Seva and am happy to support them with their vision, it is clear to me and fellow musicians how much we need more educational and preserving music. Without it we will lose our rich history that our ancestors have fought so hard to show us.
Sukshinder Shinda, Punjabi Singer, composer and producer
This goal is our goal, your goal everyone’s goal, we just want to spread Guru's teachings through music and keep the benefit of Punjabi language from writing to singing alive!
Kaka Mohanwalia, Founder