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Asian Network Closure is

Newly Single Amisha Patel maps out her ideal man on BBC Asian Network

However, on BBC Asian Network’sLove Bollywood’ show she told presenters Rajini and Murtz she was ‘single and ready to mingle’ and even advertised what she’s looking for in a man!

“No, Amisha is very single and ready to mingle!” says Amisha.…. “He should be a really good human being, love me to death, worship the ground I walk on, be intelligent… (laughs)”.

Amisha Patel Bollywood Actress

Love Bollywood presenter Murtz asked Amisha, What do you not like about the industry?”

To which Amisha replied, The long hours, the make up, the filthy sets- the hot filthy sets, living out of suitcases. The fact that your private life is not private anymore. They make you be a demi god so everything that you do that is good is exaggerated, as is if you do something wrong… and they expect you to be a diva all the time… and they forget that stars like any normal person are normal, we just have a really public profession.

We have bad hair days, bad skin days, we cry, we laugh, we feel, exactly like any other person. We are not picture perfect- we are flawed as well and that is something everyone must remember all the thousands of people that idolize us- we are not perfect and we are human beings just like everyone. Expecting you to be perfect all the time is a very hard task”.


You can listen back to the full episode from Sunday’s Love Bollywood show (press listen again)