King Of Kings 2 Gig Review
Also Big upto Jogi as well for getting me my 2nd Shandy
Anyway getting back to the gig…….
Apna Sangeet were first up & rocked the place!!!!
From the likes of Nach Payan Mutiaran,Mera Yaar Vajay Dhol, Apna Sangeet Vaje Apna Sangeet & loads more.
Also from what I hear this may have been the last ever Apna Sangeet gig 
These guys made it hard act for anyone to follow, but up comes Mr. Jassi Sidhu with his band, singing stuff like Ama Ni Ama, Dil Mangde, Tappe etc.
What was funny was earier on the evening when I was walking Des C & his mate into the backstage area looking for Jassi, we’re just about to walk over to the changing rooms, when I hear this almighty Whoooaa & yeeeaaaahhhhh coming from the opposite direction. I said to Des C, hold up, we’re going the wrong way, follow that noise!! (Lol sorry Jassi).
Anyway getting back to the performance, Jassi Sidhu had the crowd rocking from start to finish & in between comes upto me on stage where I was taking pictures (dunno where Baja & VJ were at this time) & start rubbing my head & messing my hair up (I hate him now, so the feelings mutual). 
Up next was DCS, who along side Apna Sangeet & Jassi Sidhu were among the best on the night. 
Now I can’t remember what Shin started of with or finished with, but I do know he sang Tenu Khol Ke Shaarab,, and then he did the duet with Juggy D, “Oh Jan Meri Ya”.
I think the highlight for the DCS set for me was “If your Punjabi & you Know it Clap Your Hands” I think everyone in the club was clapping there hands to this, it was amazing. 
Next up was the Absolutely Stunning, Lovely, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Hot Like Fire etc etc, Lisa Maffia along side Romeo & Northstar (all from So Solid Crew).
I only found earlier on that evening that they would be on the main stage, when Lisa asked me to have a picture with her (well maybe it was the other way around)
, upstairs in the offices.
Anywayyyy, back to there performance, they came on and busted out tunes like 21 seconds to go, So Solid crew & Romeo, unfortunely they had to cut there set short, due to lack of time, but all the guys stated shouting Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, so the girls not to be out done stared shouting Romeo, Romeo, Romeo.
By the look on their faces, you can tell that they were truly shocked by the love (or was in lust that?) they were getting from the crowd. In fact both Lisa Maffia & Romeo went a slight shade of Red.
Next up was the ladies favorite (& Dipps Bhamrah’s as well) Mr Doh Point Nau himself Juggy D.
He stared of with apologizing that he was doing a PA, rather then a live set, because he missed a few rehearsals, so could not really perform live.
Anyway starting of with Nahi Jeena, Push it up then it was time for a switch from the singing, to playing the Dhol courtesy of his Dips (not Bhamrah) from Team Dips.
Now I’m not one to talk, but I though he busted a few good beats out on the Dhol, but Dips was not having it & took the Dhol back of Juggy & told him to stick to singing 
Anyway handing the Dhol back to Dips, Mr. Juggy runs of for a quick costume change, while Dips does a awesome sole routing on stage.
A few minutes later Mr. D is back wearing a Doti (I think that’s how you spell It), which he then starts to get into his funky routine & at some point during his act he managed to pull a young lady out of the crowd to have a little nach with..
Up next was the man with the Midas Touch (I know I know it’s a old cliché)
Unfortunely I didn’t see his entire routine, but from what I saw, he not lost any of his appeal.
Coming out with tracks from what I could hear or remember, Hey Jamalo, Kuri Namar Je, Mithe Ganne, Nachna Aaj Nachna..
Next up was possible the man that has probably got more people talking about who produced his tunes, rather than “oh yeah that was a good song by him”.
That’s right it was the one & only Lembher “Chalakiyan” Hussainpuri AKA “The 21st Century King Of Bhangra” (sorry couldn’t resist the pun’s, I blame it on lack of Shandy’s).
Busting out tune’s such as Chalakiyan, Daj Ja, Sachiyaan Saniyaan, Panj Bindya & a few more.
Carrying on all the way until 4am, by which time it was the bouncers turn to say “Make you way out”
Dipps Bhamrah was a wicked host as well & he never wore his Liverpool shirt either (Thank you GOD for that).
Overall a wicked gig & trouble free as well.
Only downside was that I never got no drink vouchers from the promoters (bunch of tight ase git’s)
!!! So was deprived of my Shandy’s.
Looking forward ot the next king Of King's gig which will no doubt need a bigger venue then the previous 2
From the likes of Nach Payan Mutiaran,Mera Yaar Vajay Dhol, Apna Sangeet Vaje Apna Sangeet & loads more.
Also from what I hear this may have been the last ever Apna Sangeet gig

Anywayyyy, back to there performance, they came on and busted out tunes like 21 seconds to go, So Solid crew & Romeo, unfortunely they had to cut there set short, due to lack of time, but all the guys stated shouting Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, so the girls not to be out done stared shouting Romeo, Romeo, Romeo.
He stared of with apologizing that he was doing a PA, rather then a live set, because he missed a few rehearsals, so could not really perform live.

Coming out with tracks from what I could hear or remember, Hey Jamalo, Kuri Namar Je, Mithe Ganne, Nachna Aaj Nachna..
Dipps Bhamrah was a wicked host as well & he never wore his Liverpool shirt either (Thank you GOD for that).