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Domestic Violence – Wo/Men & PowerRRR by PSUDENOYM; GhostWriter

What is Domestic Violence? Is this a mental health issue? Is emotional trauma considered domestic violence? All these unanswered questions.

Domestic Violence another taboo subject in the Asian community and considered quite a ‘private’ problem within the Asian community, leaving individuals with lifelong effects whether that be physical and mental.

Domestic violence is rarely spoken about within the Asian community due to the stigma attached and judgemental environment we live in. Individuals who suffer from domestic violence can keep their abuse hidden from family, friends and loved ones for many reasons but one thing always stands out is ‘REPUTATION’.

Official statistics show the number of incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the authorities every year. However, the problem is much bigger than shown in official statistics, as many victims do not tell anyone about the abuse, therefore there are many unreported cases of Domestic Violence.

There are a number of reasons why persons do not report this abuse to the authorities and these are not limited to the examples we state: feeling isolated, reputation, cannot live without the other half and even not knowing that they are actually suffering from Domestic Violence.

Key statistics about domestic abuse in England and Wales from the Office for National Statistics

  • Each year nearly 2 million people in the UK suffer some form of domestic abuse –  1.3 million female victims (8.2% of the population) and 600,000 male victims (4%)
  • The majority of victims of domestic homicides recorded between April 2013 and March 2016 were females (70%)
  • On average victims at high risk of serious harm or murder live with domestic abuse for 2-3 years before getting help.
  • 85% of victims sought help five times on average from professionals in the year before they got effective help to stop the abuse.
  • In 2013-14 the police recorded 887,000 domestic abuse incidents in England and Wales.
  • 40% of high-risk victims report having mental health issues.
  • 1 in 5 high-risk victims reported attending A&E as a result of their injuries in the year before getting effective help.
  • The police recorded 1.1 million domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes in the year ending March 2017 and of these, 43% were recorded as domestic abuse-related crimes; domestic abuse-related crimes recorded by the police accounted for 32% of violent crimes.


Baljit Dlay is domestic violence freelance writer and Founder of Ghost-writer – Wo/Men & PowerRRR.  She has written many pieces but her most popular piece is gender neutral piece called GhostWriter – Wo/Men & PowerRRR to campaign against ‘domestic violence bullies’ and to help the forthcoming Generation of Today/ Tomorrow.

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Baljit’s audience is not just the Asian community and not just adults she states that domestic violence starts from a very early age at just 16 years of age when individuals are just finding themselves.

An extract taken from her website is below:

“Hi I Am Baljit Dlay, I use the PSUDENOYM; GhostWriter. I wrote the Piece; Wo/Men & PowerRRR, A Gender Nuetral Piece in Domestic Violence. I write short stories in Equality/Gender Nuetral. I see, Man & Woman as Equality. Women Break Silence, whereas Men are painted with an image of being Masculine. I wrote the Piece to Inspire, Encourage & to find PowerRRR with Strength to Voice against Bullies. There is help out there for both Genders. Men should equally break silence against ones’ abuse. Men have this, ideology nobody would believe them. I Create Awareness amongst Communities using Social Media. I offer voluntary Support reach, to those who are Suffering or Suffered by the hands of a perpetrator.

As a Writer, I describe how, A Man & Woman both act in Domestic Violence both Genders as “Bullies”. I do freelance research work on Domestic Violence In the UK. Domestic Violence is up on the rise, effecting the ages from 16 years Old & Onwards. I believe education begins at home, teenagers are not being made aware of, “Domination of Control In Domestic Violence,” a trap easily fallen into. & The effects of Mental Health.

The impact Domestic Violence has on ones Well-being is beyond My description.  Mental Health is described as a Stigmata of Crazy. In My you will learn ones’ effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the hands of perpetrator, yet A Battle of Survival.

I Dedicate this short story to the Forthcoming Generation of Today & Tomorrow’s World.”

Copyright © Baljit Dlay