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Amitabh Bachchan’s interview in Punjabi on His New Film PAA

Auro suffers from progeria like syndrome. Mentally he is 13, very mormal, but phsically he looks 5 times older. Inspite of his condition, Auro is a very happy boy. he lives with his mother Vidya (Vidya Balan), who is a gynaecologist.
Amol Arte ( Abhishek Bachchan) is a young, progressive and full of ideals, politician. He is out to prove to the world that 'politics' is not a bad word. He is a man with a mission. Auro is Amol's son. 
Youtube versions  
Amitabh Bachchan's Part 1 interview in Punjabi on PAA with Shingara for
Amitabh Bachchan's Part 2 interview in Punjabi on PAA with Shingara for